Our Mission

The Cat Colony Food Pantry provides cat food to colony caretakers in Nashville, Tennessee. Many colony caretakers struggle to afford necessities for themselves, yet their compassion and sense of duty motivate them to care for the cats they encounter. In addition, caretakers are often stigmatized by neighbors and society at large for helping these animals that no one owns. This makes it even harder to ask for and receive help. 

We believe that community cats are worthy of receiving food, shelter and veterinary care, regardless of their socialization — and that colony caretakers are an indispensable part of the animal welfare community. That’s why we collect donations and distribute them to caretakers with financial need. Every pound of food is donated by the generous folks who believe in our mission. 

We also believe that trap-neuter-return (TNR) is the only effective way to control the outdoor cat population. We provide education and outreach to help caretakers navigate the low-cost spay/neuter clinics in our area. The Cat Colony Food Pantry is a 501(c)(3) and registered nonprofit in the state of Tennessee. See our Candid (formerly GuideStar) profile here.

From Our Founder

My name is Erica Ciccarone. My love of community cats began with a scraggly gray tomcat who started grumping around the yard. Scrambles, as we called him, soon brought a momma cat and two kittens. Then another momma and four kittens. I got online and learned about trap-neuter-return. I’ve gotten every adult cat who has dined on my porch fixed since — plus many more around town.

Scrambles is no longer with us, but my commitment to community cats and TNR has only strengthened with time. As a volunteer trapper, I have met folks all over the city who care for community cats while they themselves struggle to make ends meet. 

I founded the Cat Colony Food Pantry for both people and cats — because we go together. 

Board members: Erica Ciccarone, Michael Ciccarone, Sarah Sylvester, Tony Youngblood.