Feeding community cats of Nashville

Because cats and people go together.

We believe that cat colony caretakers are a vital part of the animal welfare community.

People feed stray and feral community cats all over Davidson county. The Cat Colony Food Pantry supports caretakers through food donations and education about trap-neuter-return.

Meet the Caretakers

  • Kendal

    Kendel met her first community cat when the kitty had babies in Kendel’s crawl space. She got the kittens into rescue and had the momma — named Kitty — spayed, vaccinated and ear tipped. Since then, six other adult cats have joined her. They have several cozy winter shelters and dine on Friskies kibble and shreds. And best of all, there have been no more kittens.

  • Edith

    Edith’s colony of eight cats can be found lounging in her garden and on her decorative porch. They have full bellies thanks to Edith, and we’re so grateful we can support her.

  • Margaret

    Margaret has always been a cat lady, and she started caring for her colony when she moved into the neighborhood five years ago. She has named each and every one of her kitties, and some even like to come inside and say hi. Margaret is a dedicated caretaker who has gotten all of her community cats spayed and neutered.